Photography 2017-08-28T16:16:58+00:00

I’m an amateur photographer, though with smartphones and Instagram, so is everyone these days. As a child, I had started to get interested in photography. I would use my dad’s old Pentax SLR and later my own cheap Panasonic SLR when I was a teenager. I never really got beyond taking a few snaps though and the odd little bit of trick photography.

Later in life, when I realised that there were very few high-resolution, good quality images from craft beer festivals in Ireland, I invested in a Canon EOS 700D DSLR to take images. I actually got a great deal on it from argos when it was on sale for €365 with kit lens. Since then, I have invested in a number of lenses and other items. Those beer images are available on the Beoir Flickr Page.

I’m currently a member of Mullingar Camera Club which meets every Wednesday evening at the Mullingar Arts Centre. At some pint, I hope to get my LIPF distinction. I attempted to do so in May 2017 but three of my images were not good enough. Mostly, that was because of the mounting. The pre-cut mounting didn’t match up to my photo size so some of the image was cropped out. It didn’t matter as they weren’t good enough regardless.

I regularly upload my own, non-beer images on my personal Flickr page. The gallery below should be an up to date representation of my photostream.